

Denmark-1 Have you ever gone somewhere and instantly felt like you belong? That was Denmark for me. Growing up, I've never really fit in and grazed through a crowd. Towering at an almost 6'0 ft height with blonde hair, I've always stuck out like a sore thumb. Even my mum tells stories of me as a child and her getting stopped by people to ask if they could touch my (at the time) almost transparent white-blonde hair. Everywhere I've traveled before (whether it's Italy, Greece, Mexico... wherever) and even here in Canada, people have stared at me when I walk down the streets, purely because I'm so easily seen. But Denmark was different. The second I landed I looked around and finally understood where I came from and why I look the way I do. Even though I'm only half danish, that part of my gene pool was so strong when building my appearance, and that became clear to me when I got here. When I walked the streets it was the first time I didn't feel like I was being looked at, because it was the first time I looked like everyone else around me. People would start speaking Danish to me instantly when they first saw me in a store. It was awesome. The tables, the doors, the shower heads, the seats... they were all at the right right height for me for the first time ever. Needless to say I had an amazing time in Denmark, and I can't wait to go back. I got to spend time with my family I never get to see and really explore my families history. Scandinavian street style and interiors have always been my biggest inspirations too, so to see it all in live action was pretty incredible.

These are also the last of my travel photos, as Denmark was my last place I visited before heading back to Paris to fly home. So I hope you enjoy!

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xoxo, Screen-shot-2013-08-06-at-2.28.29-PM10